Johannes Leugering, PhD

Researcher, Neuromorph, Tinkerer


About myself.

I'm a theoretical neuroscientist turned neuromorphic hardware developer, working as a PostDoc with Prof. Gert Cauwenberghs in the Integrated Systems Neuroengineering lab at UC San Diego. Previously, I worked as a Chief Scientist at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) in Germany. I received my PhD on the topic of Neural mechanisms of information processing and transmission from the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University. You can find a human-readable summary of my thesis here.

My primary research interest, then and now, has been to understand and model how neurons communicate so efficiently,and how computation emerges from this collective process. This is a broad question, so I dabble in machinelearning,mathematics (primarily stochastic processes and probabilistic modeling), engineering and neuroscience, and I hope to bring the results of this work to fruition in real-world applications through neuromorphic hardware.

Some things I do:
